We know you love purple, that's why we are delighted to present our latest theme: Purple Glow Keyboard Free!
- For installation, follow these 3 easy steps: open after downloading, press "Set as Active Theme" and select the theme from the following page!
- The amazing HD screenshots we prepared will show just how awesome this will look on your phone keyboard!
- This theme uses GO Keyboard, so if you do not have it installed, you will be redirected to a download page!
- For your comfort, the menus for this theme come with 48 different language translations!
DOWNLOAD Purple Glow Keyboard Free NOW and get ready to fall head over heals with your new purple and hearts graphic display!
If you enjoyed our work, take the time to RATE and COMMENT after you install! Contact us at <a href="mailto:tmestudio1@gmail.com">tmestudio1@gmail.com</a> with any suggestions or questions you might have and visit our account to see what other surprises we have for you!
This theme uses a free font which can be found at <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://fontfabric.com/age-free-font/%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNEemju2d34qa7GPsyOF5gk8JMsIJA&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEHHyaCC4YOcUSUZOn_TciuvzhDfg" target="_blank">http://fontfabric.com/age-free-font/</a> and shapes taken from <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.shapes4free.com/photoshop-custom-shapes/photoshop-hearts-shapes/%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNGU-I6RLtrovKGLcJUSZdLpNX6QxQ&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEtjWwcaEHbn1ndm8J47ZHh5WX8WA" target="_blank">http://www.shapes4free.com/photoshop-custom-shapes/photoshop-hearts-shapes/</a>